«El Abance» / «Progres»


Every day, the residents of various municipalities in the eastern section of Estado de México jump over a retaining wall of the Chalco-Ixtapaluca expressway, located near the Chalco tollbooth. The sentence EL MURO DE DONAL TROMP PURO ABANCE—DONAL TROMP’S WALL UTTER PROGRES (sic.) is written on it. People end up here to board public transportation covering various routes, which they need to use in their daily commute. As they cross the expressway, they have to run and dodge speeding cars.

Some people I spoke to state there used to be a small minibus station here, but that more recent public works did not take into account its relocation. In the minibus station’s place, a huge footbridge was built that doesn’t have any points of access to where people get on and off public transportation.

Project selected at the XVIII Bienal del Centro de la Imagen (México, 2018).